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Book Reading at Northern Lights - this Thurs at 7p

Stillwater and Northshore guy, Spike Carlsen, will read from his book, "A Splintered History of Wood" - a collection of 55 humorful and informative stories about wood.

Spike's readings are interactive as he brings out his dog and pony show and among other things, relives his run in the World Championship Belt Sander races. Tales also include wood's role in solving the Lindbergh kidnapping case, raising 400-year-old sunken ships and it's use in instruments, weapons and all things woody.

He will be at Northern Lights Bookstore at 7pm this Thurs Sept 11.

Hope to see you there!


and there'll be Q&A.

"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, providing that said woodchuck could chuck wood and had not been laid off from his union job chucking wood for Duluth?"

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