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Yes, the party is in great shape!

Coleman Hippie.jpg

"If the convention wasn't in St. Paul, I wouldn't be at the convention,"


Looks like Jesus

He went to Woodstock too... I met him when I went to the Paul McCartney tour a few years ago.

Strange that a Republican once looked and partied like that, oh yeah, he was a democrat back then.

Normy was a Democrat not too long ago, actually. If memory serves he was a Democrat while he was mayor of St. Paul and switched parties while serving.

Looks like the scary red-headed kid from "Children of the Corn," the one who screams, "Outlander! We have your woman!"

Yeah, Malachai.

From wikipedia:

Coleman's politics have changed dramatically throughout his political career. In college, Coleman was a liberal Democrat and was actively involved in the anti-war movement of the early 1970s. He ran for student senate and opined in the school newspaper that his fellow students should vote for him because he knew that "these conservative kids don't fuck or get high like we do (purity, you know)... Already the cries of motherhood, apple pie, and Jim Buckley reverberate through the halls of the Student Center. Everyone watch out, the 1950s bobby-sox generation is about to take over."[5]

He was once suspended from Hofstra University on New York City's Long Island for participating in a sit-in protest against student exclusion from the University faculty club.[citation needed]

When first elected as mayor of St. Paul in 1993, Coleman was a member of the DFL and considered left-of-center politically; but he gradually shifted to much more conservative positions on many issues during his tenure.[citation needed]

While running for mayor in 1993, Coleman wrote in a letter to the City Convention Delegates: "I have never sought any other political office. I have no other ambition other than to be mayor." He goes on in the same letter to say:

I am a lifelong Democrat. Some accuse me of being the fiscal conservative in this race — I plead guilty! I'm not afraid to be tight with your tax dollars.

Yet, my fiscal conservatism does not mean I am any less progressive in my Democratic ideals. From Bobby Kennedy to George McGovern to Warren Spannaus to Hubert Humphrey to Walter Mondale — my commitment to the great values of our party has remained solid.

In December 1996, Coleman announced he was leaving the DFL party to join the Republican Party. He cited his frustrations with the Democratic Party and his belief that the Republican Party offered the best chance to continue his efforts to hold the line on taxes and grow jobs. [1]

Some of Coleman's critics in Minnesota speculated that his switch was motivated by his known aspirations for statewide office — something that would have been difficult considering distrust of him by DFL party leaders. As an abortion opponent, a frequent adversary of public employee unions and a close ally of the business community, Coleman’s positions put him at odds with the DFL Party in Minnesota and aligned him more closely with Republicans. In a letter to supporters announcing the switch, Coleman wrote that “while the political party I belong to changes, nothing about how I govern or what I believe changes at all.”[11]

Coleman was re-elected in 1997, with nearly 60% of the vote.

Ironically, prior to becoming a Republican and running against him in 2002, Coleman chaired Wellstone's Senate re-election campaign in 1996. While making the Wellstone nomination speech at the 1996 state DFL convention, Coleman stated: "Paul Wellstone is a Democrat, and I am a Democrat." At this point in time, tensions were so high between Coleman and the DFL party that a number of delegates at the convention were loudly booing Coleman's speech.[12]

Coleman is a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership. In March 2007, National Journal ranked Coleman the fourth most liberal Republican in the Senate.[13] GovTrack, an independent tracking website, also describes Coleman as a "moderate Republican" based on their own bill analysis.[14

I used to live in Saint Paul and remember this loser all too well. I also worked on Wellstone's campaigns, so this is what I think of Norman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxnWl63Avo4&feature=related

Don't be too hard on Cousin Norm--he's a guy who's never been afraid to stand up for whatever he thinks will be popular.

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