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R.I.P. Del Martin 1921 - 2008

Del & Phyllis.gif

Del Martin died yesterday.


sad. at least she got marry her love.

Though it was sad to see that she passed, it made me so happy that she got to marry her partner.

I'm guessing she was more interested in the right to marry than in getting married.

Magus, due to the fact that she got married when she was near the end of her life is no indication that she was more interested in the right to marry than in getting married!

Not that I would call you stupid, but obviously she was not presented with the opportunity to be wed until she was near her death bed.

Purple, the reason I said she was probably more interested in the right to marry is because Del Martin spent her life fighting for the rights of GLBT people. That was her passion.

Obviously she didn't have the right to marry until a couple of months ago. My point was that she is one of the people who made the gay rights movement happen, beginning in the '50s, and I just have a feeling that the sweet part of getting married for her was just that she could. Her work made that possible.

Also, as someone who has been in a long relationship without the possibility of marriage, I have to say that at this point the legal part of it would be much more interesting to me than the marriage part which seems a little beside the point now.

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