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People Leave Me Messages...

This was waiting for me on my answering machine at my church today. Really put me in the mood to do a wedding. It's kinda ominous but the more I listen to it the more I dig it. It has a Quentin Tarantinoesque vibe going. I love the guy's voice. Also note the time code. The guy left this message at 12:39 in the morning.


Oops, sorry. That was me. I thought I was calling me mum. Again, I blame the mojitos.

he found mt sword ...

I'm not certain if this is the correct forum for voicing this opinion, but it's close enough [since I don't want to post a new thread].

Ghostbusters, which I just received and watched on Netflix, is not that good of a movie. Sure, Bill Murray is awesome, but for the most part, the film has a terrible plot. And the pacing is terrible. Why is the secretary interested in the nerd scientist? Why isn't that discussed more? And why would the Ghostbusters entrust a man with no experience with a nuclear-powered backpack?


I know this guy, he lives on Freemont street in west duluth. He has all kinds of plywood signs in his yard that are just like the message you recieved. he also held a pastor hostage in an office at the Bethany Baptist Church a few years back. be careful of him, i dont know why he called you, but he must have some interest in you. do not taunt him, he is a paranoid schizo who is capable of causing harm. The police are very aware of him

There were some people holding up some wacky but colorful signs outside of Finnfest yesterday, something about going to hell unless you accept Jesus. Maybe this guy was one of them. I was kinda wondering what these people were doing at Finnfest, of all places. I think they and their signs were at Sidewalk Days too.

Claire: I think those people were at Fourth Fest, too. One guy had a rotating cube on top of his head with slogans on all four sides.

What about that guy who lives up Highway 53 past Twig, who has all those hand-made right-wing signs on the freeway? Are they still there? I remember during the whole "freedom fries" debate, he had one that said "Piss on the Poodles." You'd have to park on the side of the road and get out of your car to read all the fine print, though.

That voicemail is odd and creepy no doubt, but aren't you concerned that you took basically a personal message from someone in your church and posted it to the web?
Weird yes, but what if they see it?


1) This wasn't from someone in my church.

2) It wasn't personal. It was left on my church (not a private) answering machine with no identifiable sender to no designated recipient.

3) Honestly, I'd guess they'd be flattered. I took the time to record it and put text to it.

I think it's apparent that the person who left this wanted it not to end with the recipient so, weirdly, I think I'm satisfying his wish. I don't see a breech of privacy here any more than me sharing some weird tract that someone anonymously left in my mailbox.

My wife and I used to live by the guy on Freemont. One day he cornered my wife in the driveway and asked her (among other crazy things) whether or not she would tell the truth if he was in her bedroom, holding a knife to her throat and about to rape her.

So, yeah, there's that.

My wife and I used to live by the guy on Freemont. One day he cornered my wife in the driveway and asked her (among other crazy things) whether or not she would tell the truth if he was in her bedroom, holding a knife to her throat and about to rape her.

So, yeah, there's that.

It's almost as creepy as the letter I received when I was interviewed for a story on Native American women in business. A white supremacist caught on that I was married to someone German. He sent us a 5 page letter explaining how we were sullying the blue eyed race by intermarrying...it was really really creepy. Well, the fool made the mistake of sending it through the mail, they didn't take kindly to his tactics and he ended up in prison. He'd sent letters to many many folks.


ironic1, you have exactly the same answering machine as me. Thought you might like to know.

I am impressed with how you've completely embraced technology to bring us this message, Ironic. You get a PDD gold star and my sincere respect.

Other than that, I find the message too disturbing to comment on...

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