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Trying to access the DNT site and it's unavailable.
Ran out to check the sky and it's fine (not falling). Anyone know what's up?
I am embarrassed to admit that I need to get my obit info for the day - am I that old?



I don't know why the site is down, but I have a question:

From the wording of your post it sounds like you go to the DNT paper and/or Web site regularly (at least for obits). Technical issues aside, the paper / Web site must be providing you with useful information. And, if you are using the Web site, the paper is providing you that information at no cost.

So why did you choose to file this thread under "Good Riddance"? Just curious.


works for me (firefox and ie)

Yup. You're old. There are two stages of obits-when you check to see if freinds pass away, and then to see if their parents passaway. On the latter you have to read farther into the obit.

BTW...I tried to get on to their website over the weekend to e-mail a idtant friend a local news story and couldn't get on.

They had a really great article on how to fuck up a web server...
Back up now.

This it the note on their sign at 9:13 p.m. Thursday night.

Anyway the note said their Forum Communications sites were down for 7 hours.

I filed under a few trivial subtitles. It was an attempt at me being quirky:)
Don't take offense, none was offered.

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