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Cracker Tonight

Just a reminder:

Head of the Lakes Fair
Friday, July 25
8pm | Free with $7 fair admission


How was the show?

The band played very well, good variety in the set. Weather was perfect. Turnout was light, so things never reached critical mass. The small crowd was an authentic mix of tweakers, misinformed dirt track enthusiasts, and a handful of fans. In a weird way, this actually worked, almost like a soundtrack with the 'visuals'. This was not lost on Lowery, who took a photo of the scene during the show. See it here.

Best show of the summer. Some Crackerhead from Madison bootlegged the entire show (1:40mins) and indicated it will be posted on www.archive.org in about a week. Search for Superior-Cracker and enjoy. All originals except for a Dylan tune near the end.


Crackerheads and Cheeseheads...

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