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Olde World Renaissance Faire




Olde World Renaissance Faire
June 14th & 15th
10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Twig, MN (15 minutes North-West of Duluth)

Created using the Historic Tale Construction Kit


We had a great time there yesterday and the weather was perfect! Wolgemut puts on a great show, my son won the costume contest for the youth division, and my girlfriend asked me a very silly question - "Do you think I should get a corset?" Duh!

Oddly enough, Ezra asked me the same thing today when we were there, Ironic. ;)

Hazel loved the Duelists. I'm not sure whether to be pleased or afraid.

Can't wait for next year!

Ezra asked you if he should get a corset? Hey, Zra, if that's the way you roll, dude, go for it.

I ran into Tamara & Ezra, but must have missed Ironic1. Those corsets were gorgeous - I think you should get one for yourself too! ;)

Glad you guys had a good time! :D

I saw you, BadCat!, but you were busy with some patrons so I'm not surprised you didn't see me.

thought about it, then thought better of it...i don't have one third the chest to fill the stupid bust out.

then there's the hair thing.

so, prolly not.

i am however seriously considering a kilt.

Aye - a man in a kilt is a very sexy thing...

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