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Homegrown Flickr Slideshow

Equal Xchange

As of this posting, there are currently 475 photos on Flickr tagged "homegrownmusicfestival2008." I'm sure there will soon be many, many more. This is a slideshow of all of them.

If you're a Flickr member and you have Homegrown photos from this year's events, simply tag your photos homegrownmusicfestival2008 to add them to this slideshow.

You can click on a photo during the slideshow to find out who took it and read any information they might have posted along with it (such as a title or description)

You can also manually page through the photos here.


The world needs pictures of Apron Elegance now more than ever.

Special thanks for taking so many pictures and posting them ! I wasn't able to go, now i feel like I could still be part of the fun.

Ditto on all the pics. I had so much fun, I really don't remember playing. I hope it sounded good. I wish this happened twice a year (hint,hint). Thanks to everyone who came out and especially Rich Mattson for playing with us on Thursday.

Thanks for the great pics! I've missed Homegrown probably more than anything else (almost) in the last three years since I moved and it's fun to see so many familiar faces and get a glimpse of the new venues that have developed since I played many moons ago.

I wish Duluth dudes would wear tighter pants. Seriously, people in other markets are watching us and they are going to think these pictures are from the late 90's. Tight pants lower sperm counts while increasing sex appeal, thus creating an environment where safe sex can occur, with higher levels of sexiness. My band hasn't quite bought into this, because my band mates are old, and their sex appeal suffers because of it. I'm just sayin'......

You can't rock out in tight pants.

Very Nice, must have gotten around

To abate any confusion: These aren't ALL my photos. I only took a relative handful.

These are photos tagged with homegrownmusicfestival2008 on Flickr. Thanks to everyone who took photos and tagged them. And if you have Homegrown photos on Flickr and haven't tagged them, please do! We want to find them and look at them.

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