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Tasting Freedom.

(I dug this up while reading January's Harper's Weekly magazine in the break room today at work.)

From responses by the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, in Fort Greely, Alaska to a recent survey on new MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat).

The vanilla pudding is so good I ripped it open, licked the inside, and rolled around on top of it like a dog.

Am I supposed to add water to the peanut butter dessert?

Shitcan the meat chunk and give out more granola.

I don't personally like the cheese, but I can trade with it.

Should add Copenhagen dip.

Why in God's name would you put a vegetable in a MRE?

It sounded like a flatulence symphony in my tent all night.

The way it turned my mouth blue flooded my mind with childhood memories, and for a moment I was at peace.


My friend Ann, who used to be in the National Guard, sent me an MRE of spaghetti & meatballs for my birthday during our first year in college (spring of '98).

I found it when I was moving back to WI from MT in 2005. Cooked it up, and it was surprisingly decent. For a meal that came out of a bag, anyway.

My father is a Vietnam-era vet, and when I was a kid, he let me and my sisters eat some of his old MREs. They must have been about 7 years old. The only thing I remember is a SPAM-like product.

Was hiking about 2000 vertical feet 12 yrs ago. Brick of pork with BBQ sauce, dry astringent crackers with no taste (almost inedible, as if swallowing was an Olympic event), and apple slurry. Boy, did it taste good at the time, though. Our MRE's were about 10 yrs old and came in at 1 pound each. My buddy supposedly got them from the local A&P through his father.

I wonder what the half-life is on those things.

"Meals Rejected by Ethiopians"

"Meals Ravished without Erudition"

Meals Reused by Everyone

Mastication Remitted Eventually

Meals Refused by Everyone,
Meal Rarely Edible
Meal Ready to Excrete

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