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Duluth spring, such as it is

Duluth doesn't really get spring, but we're hungry for it anyway. That's why we like to go down and kick ice chunks at the shoreline, pick up trash that's been covered by snow for a month, show off our doggie's new sweater. See the last March weekend on YouTube, or go fly a kite!


I'm fond of picking up lost mittens and placing them in conspicuous places...like the fence along the Lakewalk.

the mitten on the hydrant marker at 4th and 12th Ave E?

yep, that was me.

My hope is that their owners will eventually reclaim them.

While skiing the trails at Lester last year my sister lost her glove.
One week later we found it placed on a tree branch in plain site on the trail.
Thanks zra!

I hate this time of year. Its not winter and it sure as hell ain't spring. Maybe its Sprinter. Or Wring.

Lousy Smarch weather.

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