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Best Photo of 2008, Thus Far

Six men go to Gronk's in Superior, dragging photo and lighting equipment with them. They order a 6-pound (!) "Enger Tower Burger." And then they completely devour it on camera.

Excellent. So damn excellent.

[Note: Be sure to click on "view large" for true enjoyment.]


Flickr is the best thing about the internet.
That guy's got some great shots.

mmmm . . . b u r g e r

Nice, high quality pictures. It's like your a professional or something.
So did anyone finish the burger?

Just to clarify, Chris: I didn't take these photos. Jules Ameel did.

Yeah I realized that after spending a little more time at the flikr site. My image of you is totally blown now.

Where is Gronk's exactly ... I don't think I'd ever order THAT burger 6 lbs is way too much even for me. But if they have other food treats that are good, well I might just do that ... I wonder if you can get them with pickles instead of olives. I hate olives ...

Gronks is on HWY 2/53 on the very outskirts of Superior. It's right in that last area of businesses before 2/53 turns into the highway. It would be on your left if you're coming from Duluth.

Pretty good normal sized burgers as well. I had the chili dog last time and wasn't impressed though. It wasn't the right kind of chili for a chili dog, probably better suited for standing alone. I also didn't care for the onion rings, to big and doughy. But if you like them with tons of breading than you'll like these ones.

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