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What are you wearing to Geek Prom?

Camp play.jpg


I was going to do something different, but since Gygax failed his saving throw I'll probably dust off my white tux with polyhedral dice on the lapels and Gary Gygax's signature on the back.

Well, I was going to wear that dress, but now you ruined it, so I'll have to come up with something else.

I (and my boyfriend who will actually dress up) will be in our Sci-Fi best! :D

John and I are coming up from Chitown. But I don't want to ruin the surprise of our prom wear.

The river otter.

I think I might dust off the flippers, snorkel and water wings.
Pardon my ignorance, but will it be back in DulHut this year??


April 12.

Great Lakes Aquarium.

Duluth, MN.

The one by the lake.

A little something special I picked up from the Goodwill Vintage Sale last fall.

i plan on wearing nothing, getting maced and receiving a ticket.

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