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Francis X. Shea Memorial Lectureship presents ...


Mary Oliver
Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winning poet
Monday, March 31 | 7 p.m.
Mitchell Auditorium, College of St. Scholastica

Mary Oliver has published more than 20 books of poetry, including American Primitive, for which she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, and New and Selected Poems, for which she received the National Book Award for Poetry. She has taught at Case Western Reserve, Bucknell, Sweet Briar College, University of Cincinnati, and Bennington College.


OOoooooh I saw her once before - too cool, thanks Paul!


Thanks for posting this, notifying us! I'm excited. So glad to hear she's coming up here to speak.

does anyone know how we find/if we need tickets?

Free, baby, free! You just show up, if it's like it has been in the past.

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