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ObsCuriosities Retro 1st Anniversary Sale

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This is a really great store...if you're not fat.

ha ha mrs. g - thanks for the info, now I won't waste my time;)

[sigh] why are dresses only 10% off?

Because if they were all the way off nobody would get any shopping done!

[boom boom boom *ching*]

nice joke.

boom boom boom ching?

i was thinking more like bow chika bow bow...

[sigh] bow chika bow bow is 25% off or higher.

I am hoping that they start carrying clothes for us Mama Cass types sometime soon!

Thanks for the feedback! Although vintage clothing does tend to run small (cause the people were smaller back then - - is it all the hormones and crap that we eat??), we do have some larger sizes, so don't be afraid to check us out no matter what your size may be. Also, sorry the dresses are only 10% off, but cool vintage dresses are getting hard to come by. Most of the dresses are in the $18-40 range, so you can still find some great deals. And the 30% off the coats and sweaters provides for some really great deals... Hope to see you there!

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