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PDD 5K Route.


The 5K route begins at Starfire Screen Printing with a long gradual uphill to Holy Roller's corner at 4th and Wallace. We'll turn left up Wallace and go two blocks to 6th St. We will take another left and starting looping back along 6th to Kent Rd. Continue on Kent until Woodland, then veer down and left along Woodland. Take a right on 4th and bring it home. No guarantees on the presence or conditions of sidewalks.


WRONG link ... too much internet shopping .. not enough woorking .. lets try it again:

Thanks guys for an awesome run!

AAARRRR! Me Nipples!
I had fun, How Boutchoo?
Something completely unrelated:
Both kids vomited repeatedly today. Stomach bug going around Central hillside and Chester Park, as this came from daycare. Oh the joy. Thanks for the run, everyone (not the runs).

the run was delicious. would have been more fun if all the boys i was tailing weren't wearing baggy shorts over their tight, tight running tights.

still, that girl with the legwarmers was pretty hot.

How many people ran? What were the conditions? Looking to close roads next year?

And funkenschutz, if this is the same bug our family had you can expect to fall like dominoes. The best thing about the retching is it makes the diarrhea a welcomed change of pace.

About 15 people ran, it was warm (~35F) so the roadsides were a bit slushy but drier towards the middle. I doubt if road closing is in the cards, things were casual and fun! I achieved my goal of not walking (I still finished last - it was my first race) and could've went another K (yeah right). I liked the snacky treats at the Finish Line aka Starfire's shop!

10 years time it will rival Grandmas

Lucie B: Monday morning at 3:45 a.m. I made my first trip to the can. The rest of the day it was like clockwork. The whole family got it, but interestingly, it went in succession and not all four of us at once. As far as I can tell, dogs are not susceptible to this virus. The thing that really sucked about it was being sore from running Saturday morning, and then having my whole body ache from the illness. I got to watch the whole second season of Weeds, though.

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