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Northern River Otter at Fitger's during the Beargrease's "Cutest Puppy Contest" Winner Announcement


A cute little otter chewing on a fish near the deck at Fitger's on Saturday at around 2:30pm...


Toneman wins the "post-remarkable-photos-back-to-back" contest.

Mermaids. Otter. Wow.

Awww, thanks, cork1! I have more photos of the Diorama-Rama here:

Dioramarama at the Old Emerson School

I wonder who would win in a fight: the otter or the pine marten?

Oh, that's really cool--I've never seen an otter on the big lake, only on inland lakes & rivers around here. Nice!

Maybe the otter and the pine marten could be friends.

Otter do something about this gauntlet, folks!

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