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news bias...constantly making new discoveries [my meme cd with sample track]

news bias cd cover.jpg

Here's my entry, with a sample track called "charisma rising." this was way too much fun and led to a lovely bit of time-wasting. Thanks!

PS--Sorry for the pixelation on the text--working on learning this process.


What software are you using? Sometimes you need to "create outlines" so text will work. Or look at options to "export" rather than "save as."
I find it hard to use type in Photoshop. I like to make something in InDesign or Illustrator, and then export it. Or open the file in Photoshop after it was created.
I'm a novice at this, so I'm just hoping that makes sense.
Nice album cover. Scary.

Charisma. News Bias. Screams of Matt Lauer to me! Gauntlet!

Thwart, baby.

WOO! Bring it, baby! Gauntlet!

Okay i'm too much of a blogging newby and not in the know enough but could ya please explain the way this gauntlet thing works? whafya mean?

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