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Blowing bubbles for the pretty mermaids...


The pretty mermaids in the "live" diorama...


Nice pics ... surprised you got them up so fast!!

I actually left early tonight because I was sneezing so bad at the fun event! Must have been the dust from the gym floor or something, egads! Came home and posted them right off...

I have more photos of the Diorama-Rama here:

Dioramarama at the Old Emerson School

Best Diorama-rama 3 ever.

I'm a little scared to ask, but what do the quotation marks around the word "live" indicate?

(Pictures of corpses dressed up like mermaids on swings dance through my head.)

p.s. Your shot of the white doves wearing "spacesuits" is AMAZING!

So many imaginative, creative dioramas-fun for all ages. Great music, good crowd, much fun! Can't wait for the next one!

i "think" that i originally "heard" about this "blog" here,
but it "seems" appropriate to repost "now".

I had a great time - the ants on a log and little cut up PB&Js were divine, the wine was free and plentiful, people liked my MST3K diorama, had a smoke with Lumpy, my Republican beau actually came, and I gave away 16 sets of deely boppers, a large tin of candy, and 100 glow bracelets.

Super, super fun.

Only four more years until Hazel has to start making dio-rama-ramas for school. Vinegar and baking soda - woo! Gauntlet!

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