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this morning.



I saw the same thing up in Woodland this morning. Great crisp Duluth A.M.

"Hey! Have you seen my latest picture of a sunrise over Lake Superior? Here you go!"


Very beautiful. And I'm just poking fun. I love the fact that people post local photos on this blog of sunrises, trails, architecture, etc. It's one of the things that makes PDD a good local blog.

Saw the same sunrise over The Lake. Even made Wisconsin look beautiful....

Sometimes I don't get away from my own land enough and really do like the pictures of places I used to go and things I used to see.

Saw the same sunrise over The Lake. Even made Wisconsin look beautiful....

This is one of my only consolations for having to suffer through winter. The sunrises are SO amazing during the cold months.

Yeah, we heard you the first time Top o the Hill.
You ended up looking stupid twice.

Nice! Do you have a high-res version of this for download somewhere? If possible, 1440x900 or higher, for desktop wallpaper's sake?


Top o'the Hill said:
> Even made Wisconsin look beautiful....

HA! I've said the same thing on many beautiful days myself! :D

re ironic: Not only does it make PDD a good blog, I think it's an important part of what makes Duluth a great place. There are a lot of places where you really wouldn't have any interest in taking photos of where you live just for fun. I swear, about half of the staff at the UMD library when I was staff myself there had some picture of the Duluth or the wider Arrowhead Region on their desktop, mostly form Northern Images, but not just. Not sure about anyone else, but I feel dashed fortunate to live in a place I like enough to remind myself of it constantly. :)


Rev, I wish I had a good one that size.

Anyone got any idea how all this "resolution" stuff works?

well, first question Z, what megapixel is your camera? (if it is digital)

7 mp...I'll kick ya an email...thanks edge. knew you'd come through for me, buddy.

Beautiful pic......Makes me wish I were there to see it.

Yeah, you'll be able to get a decent sized photo out of that, just gotta jigger around with some settings, but I'll take it to the email

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