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Official Results

Official city of Duluth election results can be found here. (You'll need to refresh occasionally as numbers start to come in tonight.)

Ness FTW!


We should have faster results at www.duluthnewstribune.com.

Happy for Don, not so much for Laurie and Russ (Glad Little didn't get reelected though). Ambivalent about the resolutions, thought the Council should have a say in the city attorney hiring/firing but less so for the Chief Admin officer. New Council should be interesting, I can't quite get my head around the political makeup of it yet.

Am I going mad, or does it list "Russell Stover" for the 5th District? I'm half-awake right now, but that's a typo, right?

Or did Duluth really just miss its opportunity to elect a chocolate baron into public office?

Well, I am going mad, but that's not a typo. Huh. Guess in my morning haze I was mixing up "Stewart" and "Stover"... ;+)

Stover has been on the council for a number of years, (I think he has served at least 2 terms)

Whoops, sorry about that. I really should keep my mouth shut until I'm fully awake...

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