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Dear Mr. Paul Lundgren,

Will you please book Leslie Hall for next years Geek Prom.

Thank you.


PS - And have it in Duluth or on a Friday night please. Thank you.

I still think Tay Zonday should play Geek Prom.

these three are brilliant...for a month or so i couldn't get their 'gem sweater' song outta my head...they were featured on kontraband for a while...i love the giggly fat rolls stuffed in metallic spandex

Love her love her love her!

Geek Prom WILL be in Duluth - stay tuned...

Leslie Hall has actually been on the top of the prom committee's list for a while. Whether we can make it happen or not ... we'll see.

Expect to hear an announcement about the 2008 Geek Prom soon. For now I can tell you it will be in Duluth on Saturday, April 12.

As King of the Geeks, I fully support a gem sweater presence at geek prom.


Geek Prom back in Duluth?!? I am so excited!!! Count me in!

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