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first snow

Not much progress on Arrowhead this morning. . .



I cam in the opposite direction on Arrowhead; it was slow but Arlington was even worse. Saw 3 cars on the stuck and a couple of police & fire trucks trying to get through.

damn it! we only got a few flurries down here in the cities. I WANT A STORM!!!

Had to take the boss(spouse) to work this morning. That is after putting the snow tires on. Long slow drive.

looks as fun as trying to funnel all of superior over one bridge.

double drat
I'm in mpls on work [well right now sitting in my sister's apartment in uptown listening to the best salsa type band practice next door]

I hear the dogs are loving the snow though, hope the drive back is ok.

1 hour from Piedmont to Superior. They were closing the High Bridge just as I got there, so I got to go around and wait in line for the bong. I wished it was a real bong.

I quite enjoyed driving from Two Harbors to Duluth this morning around 7:30. Beautiful! Took a little longer than normal, but well worth the delay.

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