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And the winner is......


Assisant Homeland Security Secretary Julie Myers has applogized after awarding first prize in a holloween costume contest to a white man dressed as an african american in a prison outfit. Myers, who also heads the Imigration and Customs enforcement said she deeply regretes that this has happened. The winner was dressed in a stripped uniform, dreadlocks, and dark makeup.

is that a Oops, or a Whoops?



Well I hope that the ICE employee doesn't wear his black face to Duluth because Charlie Bell and all his minions will certainly know that he doesn't belong in our fair (as in pale) city.

And to think, just a few months ago there was an article in the Reader stating that racism was dead.

Well I hope that the ICE employee doesn't wear his black face to Duluth because Charlie Bell and all his minions will certainly know that he doesn't belong in our fair (as in pale) city.

And to think, just a few months ago there was an article in the Reader stating that racism was dead.

Hold up a moment here. Minstral show? I'm pretty sure that this narcosphere website has run away with the story a bit and missed the actual point.

As I understand from reading The costume in question was intended to be a dreadlocked Caribbean man decked out in a prison suit. The story is noteworthy because a the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement had a good laugh at a costume that basically said "haha, immigrants are criminals". This is different than a stab at traditional black America.

Actually, I think this is probably even worse (since it relates to her job). Still, I demand that if people online are going to be enraged they do it for the right reasons.

*reading cnn and other sites

This certainly evokes the time a few years ago when the Director of the Douglas County Historical Society hosted an event (Halloween? I can't remember) at Fairlawn at which people dressed in various historical costumes and did little skits and were awarded prizes. The Director and others gave first prize to a white woman who dressed as a stereotypical, pardon the expression, "pickaninny" with her hair in little braids, blackface, etc, and who recited a poem in dialect.

This resulted in the Director's ouster from the job, but she is still active in historical work in the area today, I believe.

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