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UMD Mayor forum

The mayoral forum at UMD last night proved three things...
1. Don Ness has an incredible grasp on his views and plans for the city of Duluth.
2. Charlie Bell is much less professional in his responses.
2 1/2. Charlie Bell used his response to the "What is your weakness as a politician?" response to save face for the "priority" remark made on Fox last month.
3. One UMD student seems to have way too much interest in the parking/housing issue, asking the same question to both the council and mayoral candidates, THEN asking the question a third time claiming that he hasn't heard an appropriate answer yet.

Ooooh, politics.


yeah, Don certainly comes across much more well spoken and knowledgeable. The DNT had a piece on asking both of the candidates about GLBT issues, and while, for the most part, Bell didn't quite a total fool of himself it seemed like he was struggling a bit. Don's answers where much more detailed and thought out, easily taking up twice the column space in a fairly substantive manner.

After each forum, I am more and more impressed with Don's detailed grasp of the issues and his substantive vision for Duluth. Charlie Bell is certainly a nice man and would be an adequate mayor. However, I think Don would be an outstanding mayor. We should take this opportunity to elect him.

Ya Bell sure needs more practice at being a politician. Then again maybe he's just a guy that gets things done rather than a guy that talks a lot. Either way be prepared to pay more and more in taxes with higher utilities along with various fees the city collects. Would the last person to leave Duluth turn out the lights.

"Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss."

I, for one, won't get fooled again.

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