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Ness for Mayor.


Very nicely produced. Don's got my vote, except he doesn't, 'cause I live in Two Harbors. Darn.


Nicely done. If only all of the people in Duluth were as astute and as much of a self-starter as Starfire.

The role of politician is to be transparent to their constituency. I just think that Don really embodies that. Listening to people and hearing their views is a much lacked attribute of politicians today. I cannot always say I agree with Don, but I can say honestly that his decisions are well thought out and deliberated.

why dont you kiss Donnie's ass a bit more librlz!

Let's see....on one side, there's a well thought out, intelligent plug for Don Ness...and on the other side there's "why don't you kiss Donnie's ass a bit more librlz"....hmmmm...I just don't know.

In reality, I voted absentee (Duluth resident - Twin Cities employee) and Mr. Ness had my vote.


What have you done lately to make Duluth a better place?

Why assume SUXXX is a he. Thats not very librl of you Mr. Starfire.

Hoooobooyy, here we go again, I expect that the Beav will be jumping in any time now...
Maybe we'll break 150 comments this time!!!

btw, nice job Scott, and a very well-produced video.

It is a fantastic day out today.

Oh, and the videos where pretty well done, wish they weren't QT only though.

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Sure will be glad when the election is over. Once whoever gets in they will realize they been talking out their ass for weeks.....reality will take over. ha ha ha

I've been reading Citizens Blog, where the screaming and gnashing of teeth is getting louder and louder -- everyone over there has their knickers in a twist over Donny's sins. So I wrote that Donny is the AntiChrist and that cowlick of his hides 666 -- but they didn't post it. I sure had a good laugh over it though. Seemed even funnier last night, when I had a few drinks in me.

I see what you did there, adam. Although I'm still confused as to why.

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