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Bong Water


I was at the Shack last night and they have a new menu, new smoking policy (Don't) and a new drinks menu - I opted for a chocolate martini but their featured drink was the "Bong Water".

Seeds and stems optional.


New smoking policy at the Shack? I was there on Sunday and smoked like a house on fire. I was in the bar...where where you?

New smoking policy at the Shack? I was there on Sunday and smoked like a house on fire. I was in the bar...where where you?

we used to concoct a nasty little drink called "Bongwater" back in seattle which consisted of Jagermeister, creme de menthe, and a hint of chambord.


Yargh is right, chambord and creme de menthe - never mind the Jag - Yargh!

RE: the Shack & smoking - you used to be able to smoke at the tables in the dining room (one whole side of the restaurant); now only in the bar.

Just thought it was ironic since MN just went smoke free, I figured the Shack would have capitalized on that a little rather than changing their own policy concurrently.

My grandma loves the Shack for dinner and smokin'

That is the shit that is wat is true 2 me...

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