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Ok, let's try this again...

Halloweird preflyer:


OMG this will be wacko! I love Halloween....

More info. soon.


Just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of a preflyer? Why make a flyer if it doesn't include any pertinent info that would entice people to attend?

Jumping on getting the word out while in the process of finalizing details re: production aspects of this event. This will be a top notch production.

Jumping on getting the word out while in the process of finalizing details re: production aspects of this event. This will be a top notch production.

I am so offended by the breasts on that scary clown.

That flyer is sexist.

Jed, I hope you are being sarcastic...

In the south those breast thingys are used to outdoor water hydrants in winter.
They are made out of foam and they call them Dolly Partons.

Yes. Dolly Partons. Haha!

By the way, this event marks my campaign kickoff for 'Rob Wagner for Duluth City Council, District 2 - 2009'



Dolly Partons? hmm...i grew up south of Ft. Worth, and i never heard of such a thing...

Must be a Tennessee South thing.

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