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Weight Bench?

Anybody out there have a weight bench they'd like to get rid of for cheap or (preferably) free? I don't need weights, just a bench that has the option of reclining (most do). Nothing fancy. The more beat up the better. Goodwill, surprisingly, has not been fruitful on my seach. Anybody?


you might try posting a "wanted" on the local freecycle.I have seen several offered and taken.

Or Duluth's Craigs List.

What, Gwanto, you taking wait gainer and trying to bulk up??

I think I have one in my basement that you're more than welcome to. Let me get back to you later today.

Thanks eclectic_ & PartsGuy!

Adam - just the opposite. I'm just sick of being unhealthy. Been meaning to do this for the past 10 years. Tired of looking down at a beer gut and flabby arms, sighing, and saying, "I gotta make a change. I'm turning into my dad. I'll start tomorrow". And never doing it. Funny things happen when you turn 40..... You start seeing more of your old friends die young and you begin to understand that your not 20 and invincible because you've been on and off a barstool for the last 20.
These *@!*ing cigarettes have been the hardest part.
Pardon the preaching. I just needed a change for the better.
Thanks y'all!

Thanks eclectic_ & PartsGuy!

Adam - just the opposite. I'm just sick of being unhealthy. Been meaning to do this for the past 10 years. Tired of looking down at a beer gut and flabby arms, sighing, and saying, "I gotta make a change. I'm turning into my dad. I'll start tomorrow". And never doing it. Funny things happen when you turn 40..... You start seeing more of your old friends die young and you begin to understand that your not 20 and invincible because you've been on and off a barstool for the last 20.
These *@!*ing cigarettes have been the hardest part.
Pardon the preaching. I just needed a change for the better.
Thanks y'all!

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