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Map Your HomeGrown...


Have you planned out your HomeGrown experience? If you haven't... you're gunna miss something...

I have put together this spreadsheet for tonight... I will get one out for tomorrow... um... tomorrow...

Oh... do you have running shoes? Mandatory Team Practice... departs Chester Bowl 445PM SHARP tonight... meet by the park entrance...

Here is the Download file.

More HomeGrown photos on Flickr.


Trouble Alert!

Just to follow up on Donny's heads up:

Jason Cork, Hot-Rod, Sudden Death and other nefarious characters have been seen eating and drinking in the Luce front window, laughing as pedestrians notice the very soiled men's briefs the boys have strategicaly placed on the sidewalk directly in front of their table.

Do not attempt to approach this gang of malcontents. You will know them by their drawn-on mustaches and the unmistakable odor of rawk and/or roll. Please allow them a buffer zone of at least 50 yards for your own safety.

Oh, Homegrown.
It's like Christmas. If Christmas were cool, and made you laugh 'till it hurt.

Of all the fricken times to come down with pneumonia.

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