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Hi Ho, The Derry-O


What: PDD Game Night
When: Monday, April 30, 2007 at 6pm-ish
Where: Robin Goodfellow's

Come play games with your fellow PDD Gamers. Food will be ordered. Fun, as always, will be had. Some of the games played recently include: Carcassonne, Ticket To Ride: European Version and Munchkin Fu. See you there!

Just for the record, Hi-ho Cherry-O was one of my favorite games when I was a little kid. What was yours?


Aaron and I haven't forgotten about game night, but we've been super busy. I may be a few more weeks till we make it back.

I talked to Josh and Michelle, and they hope to start coming again in a couple of weeks after they're done with school for the semester.

Anyway, hope you guys have lots of fun tonight!

I still want to come to, I'm just in the middle of odd work shifts (evenings & nights). Once I'm done with that, I'll be back on Mondays with my geek on! :D
Oh, and favorite childhood game...
I LOVED the game Barbapapa when I was very young. A few years ago, I excitedly picked it up at a garage sale, ran home and made my husband play it with me. He won the game, looked up, said "Is that it? Let's never play this again."
Funny how something that was fascinating when you were six can be boring as hell when you're an adult.

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