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In Search of Blogs

I used to have quite a long list of blogs that I would read every day. But you know what? So many of those bloggers have either started slacking or given up entirely. So what I'm wondering is: What blogs do you read?

Mostly, I read Dooce and Blurbomat, Que Sera Sera, Massdistraction, Fimoculous, and Cheek. I also watch Detrimentalevison, which is awesome.

This is a nice chunk of reading, but I feel the need for new blood. It's hard to find unfamiliar blogs.

Any suggestions? Who do you read, and (this is important) why?


drawn.ca is a canadian blog that has amazing artwork every day, as well as animation, design etc. The contributors to the Drawn blog each have their own pretty good blogs too.

It's not daily, but Threadbared is pretty good too. If you're into snarky crafters.

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