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Last Call for Bands

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The Homegrown Music Festival is just two months away. The ninth annual celebration of Duluth's music and arts scene is scheduled for April 29 through May 6.

A schedule for the eight-day festival is expected to be completed by mid-March. Musical acts have until midnight on March 1 to register to be considered for a slot. (Click here to register.)

Two new features this year will be a Tuesday-night live radio broadcast from Renegade Comedy Theater on Wisconsin Public Radio's 91.3 FM KUWS and a Wednesday-night renewable energy fair and concert at Lakeview Castle. The 2007 event will also feature some new venues a slew of new bands.


I know it's probably someone else, but that sure looks like Bad Cat rocking out on the left. Does she go by Bad Cat Power?

Bad Cat Brains?
... Stevens?
Bad Super Cat?

ok I'll stop

it's mindy money from the keep aways.

Nice update there, Paul. :)

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