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I went to the depot yesterday. It was the first time I've been there since I was a kid, and I plan on bringing a camera on my next adventure there. That place is FUN!!!!!!!! I forgot how fun that place is! Half of the Childrens Museum is closed for renovation (I know huh! Sucky!) but I did have a TON of fun playing on those trains. Anyone else been playing on the trains lately? And who spits in the mail bag on the mail train! How sad, try to ruin it for everyone. I plan on enjoying it a lot more now, before it gets ruined for everyone from disrespectful kids. I do expect not to be able to climb on the trains un-attended during the next generation after being there, and thats sad. Because it was the greatest adventure I've had in months!


I haven't been there in years, but remember that giant tree/staircase thing fondly from my youth. :+)

You know, that was the only thing I remember from the first time I went! Its still there!

whee...this is almost too easy...

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