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Saving the planet 101 -- one person at a time.


I know this is not A Duluth thing, but I want to point out the great work that is going on up here in Ely by some hard working and adventurious individuals. Will Steger is gearing up to set off to the artic one more time. This time, not to be a hardcore eplorer but to show first hand the effects of global warming on our beloved ice caps on the north. departure time is getting closer for the team and work up here is frantic and very exciting. I fell bad that all I give to the project is one night a week. It seems to be the least i can do. Please support this awesome effort and follow along with the gang online. Global Warming 101 Foundation.

The StarTrib ran this artical which goes into some of the details. Story Here!


cool! i work in the same building as GW101F here in mpls. their office is about 50 feet from mine.

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