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PDD Game Night!

Anyone up for another PDD Game Night? This Monday, Jan 29th, at 6 PM at Robin Goodfellow. This would be our fourth, and we've had a great time each night! So far, we've played Ticket to Ride (Germany) and Settlers of Catan both really good and popular games. We are going to play again this Monday, and if you're interested in playing board games with fellow PDDers stop by. If there is a certain game you'd like to play- bring it! If people want, we'll order food again. If I can figure out how to play it, I'm going to bring my new game, Battlestations.

In the past we've had as many as seven people, and there will be at least three other people this Monday. Hope to see you then!


I'll be there... WOO!

I'll bake treats again. Any special requests?

I'll be there. :)


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