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Game Night Redux

You are invited to play Ticket to Ride Monday night at Robin Goodfellow starting around 6 o'clock. The eight of us had such a good time last Monday we decided to do it again. Further jsmith14 is bringing the other two editions of Ticket to Ride, so we'll have the USA, Europe, and Marklin (German) editions available to play. Some fun, huh? The games are fun, fast, and may cause the hurling of hurtful epithets.


I will be there but I will be broke, seeing as the banks are all closed tomorrow. If I bring dessert, can that cover as my contribution to the pizza fund?

Depends on how good the dessert is, doesn't it?

Nah, that's cool. Sounds fine to me.

Can't tonight, but the next time we have game night I'll be there! :D

Going to try and make it, depending on how soul sucking today is.
I've Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers which I can bring along. The spouse and I have been playing it for a few weeks and is enjoyable.

Sorry, sorry! I missed Monday night! Next week?

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