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PEZ location

I am not new to PDD, but I am new to posting. I had problems posting a comment to the PEZ post, so I'll relay the information this way:
I do not know whether the Ms. Claus PEZ is there, but J. Skylark in the top floor of the DeWitte Seitz building had a formidable PEZ display. If you cannot find it there, you will likely not find it anywhere in Duluth. They also have lots of cool stocking stuffers (i got my wife a Holy Toast bread stamper, so she can have an image of Mary under her marmalade every morning. Finally, thanks to Ezra and Tamara for saving Christmas for me (or $50 anyway). Looks like I won the turkey sweepstakes, so I can cancel that ham order. Now if only I knew how to cook a turkey.


Thanks, Funken!
I'll go check them out!

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