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The Greatest Album Ever



Good call, Berv, good call!

Berv, I can't say that I disagree. I can't say that I agree, either - but neither can I say that I do not disagree.

Berv, you is rite on the money, honey! Honeydollabills, yo!

i'm sure my friend Dan would agree with you...

Are there any females out there that actually enjoy Yes? I'm certinly not part of that group, and have only met Yes-obsessed males.

i was listening to Yes just last week. and i liked it.

Great record certainly. I think I prefer Fragile or even The Yes Album more.

Greatest album ever? I can think of a lot of other candidates: Rubber Soul, Blonde on Blonde, Blue, Never Mind the Bollocks, Giant Steps, Back in Black, Avalon, Led Zeppelin....my list could go on and on.

I saw the tour for Closer to the Edge in St Paul in the 70's and the band was at the height of its powers. It was a pretty amazing concert.

Eric, you lucky bastard.
My girlfriend and I used to listen to this album back when I was 14. It has some of the most beautiful mellotron work on it that I've ever heard. Still gives me chills whenever blow the dust off and play it. And if you don't know what a mellotron is, check out www.mellotron.com Very cool. By the way, the artist for just about every Yes album was Roger dean: www.rogerdean.com Also very cool.

i have a Starbucks 25th Anniversary litho Roger Dean created...it's hanging in my living room


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