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PEZheads: The Movie

*THIS IS THE OFFICIAL TRAILER (the other one posted has sentimental value because I've been watching it for the last 6 months)

I’ve been tracking the progress of this movie for a while, and it’s finally finished and being sent to homes around the world. Not my home yet, as I’m trying to come up with the money for the complete merch set of stuff. When I do get the film, would there be any interest in having a showing of this at the Playground or any other venue I might be able to set-up?


Directed by Chrish Marshall??

For the love of crackers, Lumpy G, don't tell us you're one too!!

People who are geeky in ways I'm not geeky are just weird... not that that leaves much room.

Purple, I'd love to see a screening of this film!

I've now posted the official trailer, which shows snippets with PEZ poppers like Robby Takac from The Goo Goo Dolls and some guy from Less than Jake. I can't wait to see the interview with Wendy, the Snapple Lady.
PEZhead movie: (http://pezheadsthemovie.com/)

I love all the hard core guys and their search for Disney Princesses - lol

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