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Robot Parade, Robot Parade

ParadeMichelle.JPG ParadeKQ.JPG ParadeAugust.JPG ParadeBadCat.JPG ParadeAndrew.JPG

There's electric cars, there's electric trains. Here comes a robot with electric brains.

Geek Prom was unit #34 in the Spirit Valley Days Parade.

We didn't have a 300-foot-tall inflatable Bilbo Baggins, but we did our best.

Our 1985 Chrysler Lebaron convertible (car courtesy of Airport Auto Sales; glasses courtesy of Doogla) features 2006 King Geek Runner-up Walter Mahake, Jr. and 2006 Queen Geek Shari Hartshorn with driver Karl Wyant. Pictured top left is Purple. Second row is Little Pez Pirate, Bad Cat! and Waldo A. Lundgren.


In a future time children will work together to build a giant cyborg.

Man it's a good time out here!!! I just tried to travel to the store and was yelled at by a 10-year-old kid "Get out of the way!" because big trucks where squealing rubber by K-mart. I should have tried to squeal my Corolla. Love West Duluth.

I'll try my best to be there! I may be a little late, but since the parade starts at 6, I think I might be ok...

We hope to see Jon Lee, Super Taster.

Perhaps... right after I'm done super-tasting the fame.

Oh, and I need a drink.

Now I can prove to August that he really is a geek.

I'm sad Karl wasn't Ka'r'l, the Klingon.

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