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Roast dem beans!


We're giving the second of three public tours at work (for those who don't know: Alakef Coffee 1330 E. Superior St.) on Aug 25th at 10:00 a.m.(the next is in late Sept., if you miss this one). Pre register for the tour is required...question? register? give the office a ring @ 218.724.6849.

If you ever wanted to know how...here's a chance to find out! Impress your friends at your next party by tossing out coffee facts like marshmellows at a Grateful Dead show setbreak!


(Sorry, too much Highlander Grog today).

That's very cool. That's something I'd like to do with my kids. I can't make this one. Can you give me the date of the next?

i always hated those motherfuckin marshmellow fights. motherfuckin hippies. got my feet all sticky.

no joke c-freak...I knew you of all people would be able to relate...Autzen Stadium
'94...rained all day, the tarp over the football field had at least 3 inches of water. at setbreak, a good chunk of it turned to marshmellow soup.


it's late sept, I beileve. i spaced the date, but the 22nd sounds right. i'll post it up when the time draws closer...

which reminds me...there's something else that may be that same weekend...Big Lake Brewfest...ahhhh....beer...

I'm in for a tour on the 25th. Whomever answered the phone the other day said they would triple check and call me back if it wasn't happening.
Lucky me - I only live a few blocks away and get the fabulous smells of roasting coffee once in awhile.

Me, LP and my step-mom are going on the tour as well.

Beans make me fart gauntlets.

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