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Flak Jackets on Lake Superior

Did anybody read this in today's paper? Granted, the majority of the article is about Lake Michigan's zones, but there's mention of Lake Superior, too... what is up with that? Guess I'd better start wearing my flak jacket next time I go out on the water...


I dunno if it's really too big of a deal...it sounds like they're only going to use those spots for training two or three times a year, for a day or two, and they're reasonably far offshore--I don't know if they'd encounter much recreational boat traffic in most of those areas.

Besides, they've got to train somewhere, and it probably makes the most sense for them to train on the lakes & in the environments where they're stationed. Good that they've extending the public commentary time, though, maybe it'll help clear things up.

Ya, not quite sure what the big deal is. Check out any noaa chart of the lake, there is a huge area that is a live fire/practice area for the Air Force over the lake. Been there for decades.

from an alaskan... no big deal... on a lake like superior i doubt anyone would even notice - coasties are the most careful.

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