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Merry PEZmass

I freakn' love the Duluth Public Library's annual sale! ....And I freakn' love PDD!

I got the most awesome PEZ Christmas Cards for a $1 per package (bought all 3).
It was someone who knows me from PDD that told me about them. So thank you, mystery woman!!

I also bought quite a few books...
Sale's on tomorrow, and Friday is $3 per bag day! (Thanks for the correction, Cathy)


I love the sale, too! Just a clarification-- this year, each bag of books costs $3 on Friday. Still an excellent deal.

I once accidentally incinerated a book I checked out from the DPL.


I helped an elderly woman carry a Hefty bag of books up Second Avenue West. It was a bitch.

The act, not the woman.

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