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More GO

So I was directed over here by one of the many people I have met at Robin Goodfellows while playing Go there last Thursday. He said to lookup the post and see what was up. I did and now am inviting any one to join us on Thursdays to learn and play Go at 7:00 at Robin Goodfellows. We have three players so far and would love to add more to the roster and maybe even get several days and locations to meet and play.


Go without beer? I suppose it can be done (heh). I certainly will try to be there on occasion, summer is supra busy time but hell when is it not, so hopefully it will happen pour moi.

Go without beer?


they go together like...well, like...

what exactly are two things that go together like Go and beer?

seriously, I'd like to join, if perhaps an outdoor affair a couple of times a month at the Brewhouse (see above reference to Go and beer...) could be arranged...

Like saki and horseshoes?

Are we playing Go this Wednesday at the Brewhouse? I'd be available.


i'll see if'n i can rustle up another player...

'course, the Goodfellow troupe is welcome too...

outside, on th porch, pint n stones...


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