And you think YOU’RE hot?
My car was so hot on Saturday that it decided to clunk out in the middle of I-35, just before the downtown exit. Let me tell you, nothing says “Perfect Duluth Day” like dodging four lanes of freeway traffic (plus an on-ramp) and scaling a hill full of dry grass in the searing heat to get to the friendly M&H store for coolant.
Just blogging about it is making we sweat.
but if anyone can pull it off cooly it would be you
Posted by: edgeways
July 16, 2006 02:21 PM
Sweaty bloggers.
Back in the day, I had a 79 Dodge Diplomat that would overheat way too easily. At the time I had just moved to Mpls, and was going back to Nebraska once a month or so to visit girlfriend, family, friends, get more of my crap, etc.
A couple of times, I had to drive with the heat on while it was 95-100 degrees. This would pull enough heat away from the engine to keep the Diplomat from overheating. Ugh. I also developed a technique of speeding up over the crest of a hill, putting the car in neutral, and then shutting it off while coasting down the hill. Then I'd restart it and put it back in gear as I started up the next hill.
I know, many of you are thinking "there are no hills in Iowa." and you're right. There are slight inclines, so my technique didn't work all that often.
Posted by: clumsy
July 16, 2006 02:34 PM
*Briefly daydreams of playing Frogger with a Paul Lundgren-faced frog.*
Heh. Hehheh.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Paul.
*Attempts to hide his grin.*
Posted by: ironic1
July 16, 2006 04:48 PM
Well Paul, that's a real bummer, because you missed out on a lot of beer and margaritas and beer and margaritas and taco salad and margaritas and beer.
Good times.
Sorry about the car, man.
Posted by: Mark
July 16, 2006 08:55 PM
Paul, you were having this coolant probalm back in March, when it was cold. You might want to think about a new car.
Posted by: Purple
July 17, 2006 08:54 AM
Paul, you were having this coolant problem back in March, when it was cold. You might want to think about a new car.
Posted by: Purple
July 17, 2006 08:54 AM
Paul, you were having this coolant problem back in March, when it was cold. You might want to think about a new car. Whoa, what the hell just happened there?!
Posted by: -Berv
July 18, 2006 06:52 PM