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With (solo) Vinny & the Barroom Standoff and J.J. "cowboy hat wearin" Lee from Portrait of a Drowned Man performing original country hits!


good luck guys, I hope to make it...got a wedding tho...BTW all

Tunsia 58 (formerly known as Tangier 57) will be playing at Carmody Irish Pub on Friday June 6th with DJ starfire! Join us as together we host a "Fondue Listening Party" Bring your vinyl and meat chunks...hot oil and prongs provided...more soon

let me know when you make it to Tblisi 60

I frapped my pants at a fondue party in suburban Cleveland in 1976.

Sorry to here it mad, heres hoping it wasnt a cheese fondue,

i.d.n, Tblisi is now on the list, along with tunis, Toledo and Twig

don't forget Tomah, Tempe, Tampa, Tulsa, and Taos.

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