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one foot in the grave


i broke my damn foot at the homegrown kickball game. i kicked home plate. i'd been limping around on it for 2 weeks, so i finally went to the doc. now i'll be in a cast for 6 weeks. this is, i'm guessing, the first broken bone in the homegrown match's glorious history, and, probably, in the history of kickball everywhere, ever. badge of honor. if anyone wants to drop by my apartment with some dvd boxed sets and vicodin...i'll be on the couch. for a month.


Congratulations! Maybe there is some sort of Workers Comp reimbursement for injuries.

Totally remember seeing you kick home too, and thinking, "That can't be good ..."

yeah, starfire....do you know who my rock union rep would be?

Musicians Association Local 18
5977 Maple Grove Rd.
(218) 729-4932

Hey, you had it coming. One time I kicked the side of a side walk because I thought I was going to kick the inflated kickball that was going to get me emo girls. I'm still living alone and without girls

BTW, Who are you in the real world Mayday?

My services have been retained by Mr. Raimo in the matter of Raimo vs. Homegrown committee, we are seeking damages and compensation in excess of 10 million dollars, for gross negligence and fraudulent officiating at the aforesaid event.
Yours Truly, The Trial Lawyers of Ashley Hannula and Halom

Actually, I was under the understanding that the firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe had been retained...

holy crap dan! i can't believe you walked on that for 2 weeks!

so, if you pieced that together, starfire, i'm dan raimo in the real world.
and, amy...it hurt. but having a cast sucks so much more. i'm thinking of cutting it off. anyone have one of them dremmel moto-tools?
also, i'm not suing the entire homegrown committee, just paul lundgren...for making me kick angry.

Maybe the judge will rule that I have to be your butler.

bTW adam please never mention the musicians local around a bunch of ind rockers ans bar owners...wouldn't want to jinx a good thing

New evidence has come to light regarding Raimo vs. Homegrown Committee. It is true that Mr Raimo did BRUISE his foot during the ill-officiated game; the actual broken-bone injury occurred during the sudden post game removal of the aforesaid foot from the ass of the opposing team. This evidence in no way effects our plans to litigate this matter, nor does in any way mitigate the fact that the officials involved were sight impaired, legally intoxicated, patsies for the winning team who wore poopy poopy pants.

I broke my ankle at Greenman by stepping in a hole at Zoey's campsite. I waited four days before getting it fixed, but at least my cast was purple.

Mayday, that's the most boring cast I have ever seen.

RE: "legally intoxicated, patsies for the winning team ..."

Legally intoxicated -- yes. But for the record, I was doing all I could to throw that kickball game in Friday night's favor.

Say what you will about the infamous third-inning (and I must stress I argued against that call) -- it's totally not our fault that Friday choked in the bottom of the ninth and allowed that winning run.

what are you talking about? this is a classic white cartoon cast. one look and you know it's a cast. not, maybe...a neon legwarmer. still, the scrubs who put it on said the same thing. you just wait 'til all the kids in homeroom sign it.

you're a good man, cork. but, it's pronounced "tying run".


Y'all notice Cork is not denying the poopy poopy pants? Thats right!


I got those pants at a thrift store, so anything is possible ...

Actual text messages from Homegrown:

11:22 -- I crapped my pants. Need a ride. Where are you?

11:30 -- Oh god. Had to throw away pants. Im behind Red Lion. So embarrassed. Pls bring sweatpants.

11:32 -- How does that help? I smell soooo bad! Help.

Oh yeah -- those were SENT to me, not from me ... thought I ought to clarify that. Actually, they were from Chip Rogers's phone, but I'm guessing HotRod had something to do with them.

I notice the 4 toes question was never answered...

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