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Happy Birthday Starfire



A Mars-Jupiter aspect on your birthday will endow you with huge amounts of energy and enthusiasm. There is little doubt that you will accomplish great things over the coming 12 months but for best results you must be clear in your mind what it is you want out of life and you must be committed to excellence in everything that you do. You must also be aware, at all times, what effect your actions have on other people.

Celebrity birthdays include Gabby Hayes, Gary Cooper, Johnny Unitas and Traci Lords


Lookin good star child. Just an average, normal night out on the town... Are you havin a rump shakin happy birthday?

Happy Birthday, Starfire - from the pictures, it looks like your birthday was very drunk, I mean, fun... ;)

Either way, I wish you much happiness and peace throughout the next year and all the years to come...

Happy Birthday! Here's your present!

Happy b'day stafire.
thanks for immortalizing everyone this weekend with endless snaps. Now immortalize yourself by getting pickled like Keith Richards.


Happy Birthday, Starfire, and thank you for your life-endangering quest for the best homegrown pics on the planet.

It was great to see all the dead rock stars at the stinky.

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