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Geek Prom on Rocketboom


Check out Paul Lundgren and many other geeky PDDers on today's edition of Rocketboom. Just think -- now hundreds of thousands of people have seen you do that.


Pretty sure Geek Prom no longer qualifies for the "Duluth Scene" tag, Barrett. Maybe you should add a "Twin Cities Scene."

Great vid, by the way. Good job, Chuck!

is it just me, or were there more people from duluth there than the twin cities?

She stole my Ubergeek line.


yep - duluthians p0wned Geek Prom.

Paul Lundgren: 2001 the Spacy West Duluthian--I'm sorry, Paul, I cannot do that... .

Anyone who was there would know that Geek Prom 2006 was totally a Duluth scene.The Duluthians totally freaked out the locals. It was awesome.

For me; it was like my going away party came to me--because it is all about me.

I had a great time, almost as much fun as when I was crowned.

Oh, and the Geek King 2006 asked me out on a date.

What are the future plans for Geek Prom? Is it coming back to Duluth?
I know of a lot of locals who were very dissapointed that it moved south.

SHERMAN! I don't have your number for some reason. So. . .you know what to do. I was going to come to your house and leave you a message in my own blood-but I didn't

Next year's Geek Prom location will probably be decided in late summer.

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