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wish me luck...


I just submitted five fine haiku to the Roast Magazine/Ambex 2nd Annual Davis Demitasse poetry contest.

It's perhaps the first big contest I've ever had the minerals to enter. First prize is a 2 kilo Ambex Roaster, second prize is a Nouva Simonelli espresso machine, and third is a rather burly coffee grinder. At the very least, I get a nifty shirt out of the deal, and my haiku published in Roast Magazine.

What the heck am I gonna do with a 2 kilo roaster anyhow? Guess Ill figure that one out if I win it.

I could use a new espresso machine, though. Sucks that the best place to get a shot in this town is at work...and we're only open from 8-4:30 during the week...

If ya wanna read the haiku I submitted...they're on my Northernmost Texan blog...


I, for one, am thrilled about all the haiku talk on PDD lately. But sad, am I, that no one has run the gauntlet in about a zillion moons. Where's Tomasz when you need him/her/it?

What to do with a
2 kilo Ambex Roaster
i.d.n. will know.

coffee delightful
to grinds I send all of thee
then seeped hot liquid

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